Project Description


Time tested and proven to bring some serious revenue through the door. While you’re working on bringing your SEO rank higher you’d be a fool not use ad words to your advantage to outshine the competition. However, you don’t want to waste your money on placing those ads in the wrong spot, and easy way to waste thousands of dollars in a snap. We can prevent that.


Approaching this from the Broadview and then working inwards to make sure every ad is placed where it will be seen by those who buy is critical. This is done by our professional Adwords team and with some trial and error will get you where you need to be.


Once those ads are in the right spot you can start seeing dramatic improvement to your site visits, lead generation, and overall sales. Paid Ads is the oldest trick in the marketing book and Google Adwords is just the latest form of it, so make sure you’re doing it right by talking with us.

The Process

Research search keywords, set up appropriate ads to that account, adjust, and watch the leads come in.