Project Description


Social Media is an interesting beast but not new to the marketplace now. With so many active users on social media, every day is critical that you get involved on your customers feeds so you stay at the forefront of their minds. Doing this can be a challenge with millions of business fighting for space. It is not an impossible task but you need to get moving!


By posting on a regular basis that matches your companies brand you can start making your way through the hills and into your clients feeds. It is not an overnight process and takes time, dedication, and an evolving plan to hone in on your best clients to keep them coming and get new ones through your door.


Once your brand is jiving with your social media you will start seeing more of your favorite clients walking through the door because they know what to expect when they do business with you. We’ve developed a measurable way to see interaction with your clients and the boost to your bottom line with our marketing efforts.

The Process

Develop the overall strategy, create a monthly posting plan, engage daily, and watch the customers shuffle in.